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Acupuncture is a form of medicine developed and documented in China over two thousand years ago. Simply stated, acupuncture is the practice of treating pain, illness, and disease by inserting thin needles through the skin at specific points on the body and manipulating them to stimulate a healing response. Acupuncture has been found to be effective in treating numerous conditions, including musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction from injury or arthritis, fibromyalgia and other myofascial pain, nausea and vomiting, headaches including migraine and tension headaches, dental pain, labor pain, lower back and neck pain, menstrual cramps, respiratory disorders including asthma and allergic rhinitis, and addiction.  Acupuncture needles are thin and flexible, like a cat whisker. Insertion is typically painless, although as the treatment progresses the patient may feel an aching sensation or heaviness near one or more needles. This is a normal response to the stimulus of the needles and is generally short-lived.



Tui Na is Chinese massage. The literal translation of Tui Na is "grasp and pull", although the strokes used also include light-to-deep gliding strokes, direct firm pressure along acupuncture meridians or on specific points, assisted movements that guide a limb through its range of motion, and numerous other techniques. Tui Na can be used to reinforce an acupuncture treatment, or it can be done on its own. Relaxing, pain-relieving and rejuvenating, Tui Na is a great way to shed stress and a great gift to share.


Gua Sha is a Traditional Chinese Medicine modality that focuses on increasing circulation, relieving pain, and boosting the immune system. The technique involves scraping the skin with an implement such as a specially shaped piece of stone or crystal, the edge of a coin, or a spoon. The scraping action is thought to increase microcirculation and to help break down fascial adhesions that can obstruct the flow of blood and lymph, causing pain, discomfort, and stagnant conditions such as cystic acne.

Cupping is a bodywork technique that involves applying suction to the surface of the skin using specially designed cups. Once applied, the cups may be left in place for a few minutes or moved to loosen myofascial adhesions. Cupping is especially effective for pain, inflammation and respiratory disorders.



Traditional Chinese Medicine utilizes an extensive pharmacopeia either by itself or in combination with acupuncture and bodywork to effect healing. Skillful combination of plant, animal and mineral substances with the intention to treat disease has been practiced and recorded in China for at least two thousand years, although herbal medicine's folk origins are even more ancient. Many formulas are available to support vibrant health, including options to reduce pain and inflammation, treat headaches, improve fertility, bolster immune response, soothe panic and anxiety and rejuvenate skin.



Good nutrition is fundamental to vibrant health. All too often, time pressures and other stress keeps us from eating as healthfully as we should. In keeping with the traditions of Chinese medicine, at Wild Rivers we assess not only the quantity and quality of the food you eat, but also the circumstances, times and surroundings of your meals. A simple meal eaten in peaceful surroundings is far more nourishing than a feast quickly swallowed while on the run and texting. When you partner with us in a quest for better nourishment, you can expect us to offer information and expertise about individual foods, as well as how to plan and prepare healthy meals that fit your schedule. We are both keen cooks, and we can provide recipes you'll find delicious, quick and easy to prepare. To round out your nutritional care, we carry a full range of supplements.

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